About me

I’ve been delivering professional football coaching for over 20 years, from Premier League level to schools and local grassroots teams.

As a FA Level 3 (UEFA B) licensed coach, I have extensive technical and theory-based knowledge in all aspects of football.

Football is my passion. I’ve grown up with the beautiful game; you could say it’s in my blood. So, being a coach allows me to give back to the game and my local community.

My Approach

Every football player is different; we each have our styles. I believe in adopting an individual approach to coaching and developing young people to meet their full potential – both on and off the pitch.

As well as designing bespoke practices around their technical and tactical, physical, psychological and social needs, I also work with players to help them understand and embrace their role and responsibilities within the team.

My Offer

I can develop and deliver 1:1 or group sessions designed to meet individual setting’s needs and requirements for schools, colleges, and youth groups.

I want to create fantastic football opportunities for young people. I do this by delivering quality coaching programmes to suit them. Every football player is different; we each have our styles. I believe in adopting an individual approach to coaching and developing young people to meet their full potential – both on and off the pitch.

Fitness and Wellbeing

As well as being physically demanding, requiring high levels of fitness, football also offers many other health benefits.

Mental health

We know that people with mental health problems are statistically:

  • More likely to be obese

  • Have 2-4 times greater risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Have 2-4 times greater risk of diabetes

Sport and physical activity can help in tackling this inequality.

Football can also help young people to:

  • create and maintain relationships – making friends and supporting each other through teamwork

  • build resilience – dealing with adversity and developing a positive attitude

  • improve confidence levels and self-esteem

  • develop healthy emotional wellbeing

  • reduce feelings of anxiety and stress

  • build confidence and feel empowered to make informed decisions.